Saturday, April 2, 2016

Backlinks, Analytics, and a look to the future

Well it appears that the semester for my class is drawing to an end, but my business is moving forward.  What a blessing I consider the information I have learned and the resources it has provided me.  I know so much more about advertising, search engine optimization, and using my analytics to verify how I can improve.

In keeping with my previous efforts here are the links for me to refer to in the future.  We covered more SEO and generating external backlinks to my site as well as using analytics to measure the performance of my site.

First backlinks:

Intro to Link Building

Advanced Link Building Strategies

Link Building Strategies: Checklist

Google Webmaster Guidelines Beginners Guide to SEO

Then Analytics

Also another tool I used this week was  which I have to say is a really awesome tool for evaluating my site once a week to see what recommendations I can do to make my site better.  It goes through a wide variety of SEO, social media, website performance metrics etc, and gives me a score on how will my site is performing.  I can take their suggestions and improve my site.

I also learned from the link building how to search out my competitors sites and try to get links on the same locations which I found absolutely fascinating.

At the beginning of the week I thought my advertising campaigns were pretty much a bust, I had tons of traffic but no real sales (well I had one sale but the guy requested a refund).  However, after going through the analytics reading I actually figured out that people coming to my relationship test landing page were actually making it to my checkout page (about 10% of them) and then were dropping off.  I also was able to identify that the majority of them were mobile users.  So now I have something I can actually dig into and see why mobile users are exiting the sales cycle as soon as they click the buy button and get to the checkout.  Overall it gives me a lot of excitement and it means that I can continue to tweak my campaign, listen (through analytics) to what my audience is doing, and then make more changes as I try to improve the conversion process.

Overall I feel very satisfied with this class and how much I have learned.  I plan on taking these principles and working on my business until it becomes a successful venture.  I know I still have tons to learn, but I feel like I'm on a much more solid foundation than I have ever been before.